Answers to the counter-arguments

Can't we all just get along?

We could, if the structures would allow us to. Every one of my DELENDA is actively attacking little people. This mostly means Moms and Dads who are trying to bring up, and find hope for, their children. Worse, they have the lovers and protectors on the run, with double-digit percentages facing ruin now.

Won't instability wreck us?

Families, especially extended families, and networks of friends (often known as tribes), are the most resilient communities when times are unstable. Look at the 2008 recession (really a depression): everyone returned to the nest. If anything serious even threatens, the unified political power of the people will break through the veil.

Don't my children need a good education and good jobs?

Some economic path forward, yes, but you are deluded to think a "good education" necessarily leads to that. It's not even a zero-sum game. It's a deeply negative sum game, because the "educators" charge a high price, and the HR department still rejects the same percentage as they would have anyway.

I want peace, not a fight!

If you are lucky, the structural gods may favor you. Otherwise, you will face marital breakup, bankruptcy, unhappy and hopeless children, bitter legal losses (including having kids taken away), and friends who are suffering all of the above. How Hellish does life have to become before we admit that it's time to fight?

It's impossible - we are powerless.

Though you acting alone may be (almost) powerless, many people acting in concert will break through. DELEAMUS calls for a community dedicated to the breakup of bad structures. This has a serious chance of catching on, because everyone is oppressed by the same bad stuff. Read on!